" I have been thinking about this, atleast the last 3 minutes, why is there so few, just a handful people who wanna be president of The United States of America? Of almost 300 millon people there is only approx. 5 individuals who are running. It is a shocking figures I'm sure I would share with millions of americans and billions of people all around the world, and anyone would be curious to know why so few people wan't to be a president. Is it such a bad job ? Or is it so that only five american human beings, citizens, candidates are qualified and eligible to have that responsibility ? Is this really democracy ? So, 99.99 % of the total american population are not in anyway trustworty to run for presidency ? And the few who is running even pay from their own pockets million of dollars to get the job. This whole matter is far beyond any normal persons comprehension.
Have anyone ever scrutinized this, in my eyes and ears, the utmost insane matter ?
Now, this absurd political process do not only happen in The United States of America. It happen all around the World, with exception of a number of nations with dictators. . ."